lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010

Chilean News

"The San José mine is what the Mowag Golborne went to Michelle Bachelet, was one of the thousands of comments Twitter busted last Sunday, after the President Sebastián Piñera in situ confirmed that the 33 trapped miners were alive. The sentence was for the Minister of Mines, Laurence Golborne, who sweated to the last drop to make to men with life in the "belly of the mountain," as Piñera.

After five months in government with little knowledge in the polls, but not without questions-remembered are the world trip to South Africa and the laughter that burst while the PDP Lagos Weber spoke of the failure of the negotiation by the royalty-Golborne became for the currency's "Star of government." This was repeated in all the halls of the palace, like it or not their peers in the Cabinet who have presidential aspirations ...

In the political world, some even in jest, some quite serious, "commented on Monday that the holder of Mining is a common denominator with Bachelet: authenticity. "Golborne is pure humanity," said a parliamentary alliance, who remarked that the grace of the minister is bringing to the surface what many missing from the president: to show heart ...

Why not, if we saw him crying over a megaphone, unshaven, tired, but, at the same time, giving orders and commanding an operation, so far, successful.

In the circle of Golborne say their actions in those days was more of feeling than of political strategy. That he was "as is" and that any analysis of what is gained or lost with each intervention in terms of popular support were simply not on their horizon of concern.

In fact, the only slap on the wrist that came from the palace these days also had to do with a dash of authenticity. In his first coming to Santiago post accident, and there in the idea that government had to lower expectations, Golborne you missed pessimistic hand and said that "the probability of finding them alive are low." The next day, the President himself had to go to rectify it: "I have a deep hope that the effort has fertile fruit. Hopefully, if things go well and God help us, that this weekend we have contact. We have done everything humanly possible to rescue them alive. "

The challenge also came from other villages: the Senator for the area, Isabel Allende (PS) has the next day turned to Copiapo to the minister on the plane and reproached him for his words. He said he had fallen in the family bad mining. In short, it was a blunder and that he apologized to the family. "The very humbly told me that he was right and he did. He is a person who listens, is humble, it gained the confidence of families with peace of mind. Is a person who got the shirt to concho and was really key in this process. And always, without any arrogance, "says the parliament.


I like this article because it brings good information and good images

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