viernes, 2 de abril de 2010


Eastern is time where we remember Jesus passion, death and resurrestion. At this time, we realized that Jesus did not die if he is still alive, in the form of Holy Spirt. The first dates of ( Thursday, Friday and Holy Saturday ) are the most sad and painful, becuse Jesus suffered greatly and died in his flesh. The Eastern Sunday is a time to celebreate because Jesus resurrected after died. Alive! A resurrected! They all say. In some countries, including Chile, the date of Easter Sunday is celebrated with the arrival of the rabbit, witch, at the story, let all families announcing that Jesus is resurrection.

4 comentarios:

joyce dijo...

very good!
pretty blog ...

Branco 123 dijo...


Josefa Pailamilla dijo...

your post is good =)

Chiio* Hernández dijo...

There are misspelled words as alive, becase, those words are misspelled

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