domingo, 25 de abril de 2010

If I had Super powers, I...

If I had Super Powers, Im the seize the maximum, as for example fly, would be all day discovering news species of birds and fly over the city, also if I could underwater breathing, would be day in the water swimming with fish, as a mermaid. If you could control the clouds and make cotton would be all day here sleeping, while gently the clouds are balanced. It would be really great have Superpowers. Also if I fly, going to EE.UU. I go to know a Super Star the cinema Robert Pattinson.

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

Picture This

In this film Mandy's birthday and his father gives him a new phone you have to record videos. From there his life changed since the most popular boy in school will pay close attention, and invites her to his birthday, she is punished and will make every effort to go to the party.

Comment: It is very entertaining and funny and he understands that Dad will not let his daughter grow.



This story is about a girl who falls for a guy in the end turns out to be a vampire. They promise to love forever and never separated. Edward Bella always protect everything that can hurt.

Comment: ... .. I love the movie, the saga, the characters and I especially love the love story between Edward and Bella. And love the vampire!!!!


Enchanted is a very good movie because it has cartoon and real characters. She looks just like Cinderella, as Giselle is going to marry the prince and the witch tries not to get married and throw well pleased, and reaches this world. Where is mix of many adventures.

Comment: The movie is very entertaining as interesting mixed in two worlds, and laugh a lot.

sábado, 17 de abril de 2010

What’s your bigger dream?

My bigger dream is study a university career and is professional, not yet exactly to study, but I like Biology, Music, Action, etc. Also my dreams would, after studing my university career, and have a work, go to travel the world, or parties I like the most as India, Unit States, Italy, Egypt, England, etc. And of course would accompany of my best Friends Karen, Valentina, Alejandra, Francisca, etc. From here to front of I hope to meet these dreams.

miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010

Chile"s recostruction.

In the reconstruction of Chile we must help all; we support each, be solidarity, have hope and have very very much fait. I think that the plates is moved by a reason and the reason was for Chile is join, becuse we very distansed and driscriminative. First we must to recollet money, and now, luckily we have achieved, now we must to build homes, and start to put faith and hope in each person who suffered.

viernes, 2 de abril de 2010


Eastern is time where we remember Jesus passion, death and resurrestion. At this time, we realized that Jesus did not die if he is still alive, in the form of Holy Spirt. The first dates of ( Thursday, Friday and Holy Saturday ) are the most sad and painful, becuse Jesus suffered greatly and died in his flesh. The Eastern Sunday is a time to celebreate because Jesus resurrected after died. Alive! A resurrected! They all say. In some countries, including Chile, the date of Easter Sunday is celebrated with the arrival of the rabbit, witch, at the story, let all families announcing that Jesus is resurrection.